Thursday, May 9, 2019


I got a wild hair a few weeks ago and decided I was going to go back to school. At 38. With a small army of half grown children, and a petting zoo in my home.

Fortunately, I enrolled in an online program, to obtain my bachelors in Psychology. The classes run for 5 weeks, and it's one class at a time.  Ideally, this will help me focus and retain more information than I would otherwise, and not be quite so overwhelming. Plus, it's online so I can actually do my schoolwork in my pajamas and unshowered and braless and nobody will know, or care.

The first class I am taking is called "Personal Dimensions of Education".  The goal is to determine what kind of learner you  are, teach you about different learning styles, and help you understand how you learn best so you can have a successful college career.  It's actually pretty interesting, and I've learned quite a bit- but let me tell you how stupid I truly am.

There is assigned reading for each week, and as I'm going through the reading I am thinking" I'll be damned if I spent $155 fucking dollars on a one page document. There better be some solid gold words of wisdom in this!" I was PISSED.

Turns out, if you scroll down and click to the right, it turns the page and it's a whole fucking book. Who knew?

This week, the "reading coach" ( an interactive video thing) mentioned you could download the book in an audio format if needed.....So I went looking. Turns out, I can download it as a kindle file and actually read it somewhere other than my computer desk. Which I was frustrated about not being able to do because I have horrific cramps and my uterus is revolting because I opted to not get pregnant ever again so whatever, I'm punished every month for it. So last night when I was sitting on the couch while my bones and uterus writhed in the flames at the gates of hell, I could have been reading my text instead of being super irritated about not being able to sit in the computer chair....

College is fun. I'm learning a lot, and thank goodness becuase I can't believe how stupid I am!

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