Monday, November 11, 2013

I"m a terrible blogger, I admit it.

I'm a terrible blogger.

 I know this.

I think about writing every day, but somewhere between the brain and the hands and the computer I sort of lose track of time and it's suddenly tomorrow. And then it's the next day, and suddenly it's months later and I'm trying to figure out where the hell the time went and who the fuck decided it's winter and there's feet ( inches) of snow on my car?

Summer was filled with custody/visitation exchanges and speech therapy and working and my sister had a baby  and she's gorgeous and more working and car repairs and then school started. So far, fall has been full of school and speech therapy and unemployment ( not me, thankfully) and working and more bloody car repairs. Shout out to Progressive, they let me add roadside assistance, and then towed  my car 200 miles home AT NO COST TO ME.    I"m now a thousand bucks deeper in the hole, but my car will run another day.

I have 3 reviews to write so expect some more posts ( probably tonight, sorry), so feel free to skip those ones, but on the other hand, I got to play with some really cool stuff so you might want to read them after all.

Anyway, here are some pictures.
we got family pictures done. 

i got my hair did! 

this is true comedy. 

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